Home Listen to Spotify with me!

Listen to Spotify with me!

Instructions on how to connect to or set up a listening server, because I’m cheap and won’t pay for Spotify Premium. Make sure you know how to get to command line/terminal.

Installing and using Spicetify

  1. Go here: https://spicetify.app/docs/getting-started/simple-installation and follow the installation tutorial.
  2. Type spicetify into command line.

Installing Listen Together

As far as I’m aware, Windows has a UI (“Marketplace” will show up on the left sidebar) but MacOS doesn’t. For Windows, you can use Marketplace and download Listen Together by FlafyDev in the Extensions section, but the following should work for both operating systems:

  1. Save the following file to your Extensions folder inside your .spicetify folder: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FlafyDev/spotify-listen-together/main/compiled/listenTogether.js.
    1. For Windows, you can find the Extensions folder at %userprofile%\.spicetify\Extensions\ in File Explorer.
    2. For MacOS, ~/.config/spicetify/Extensions in Folders.
  2. In command line, run spicetify config extensions listenTogether.js followed by spicetify apply.

Joining a server

  1. Click the Listen Together icon (it’s colored red and blue) and click “Join a server.”
  2. Type in the server address and your name, then click join.
    1. If you’re someone I know, contact me for the server link.
    2. If you want to host your own server, deploy to Heroku.
  3. To request host, click the Listen Together icon and click “Request host.”
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.